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About Us

"I built the modern advisory I couldn't find for myself."
Matt Oberdorfer, Arena Investor founder

Unveiling My Passion: Crafting an Advisory Model for the Modern Age

You're the Hero.
We're the Guide

Traditional corporate environments, boardroom meetings, and conventional lectures hold little appeal for me. Instead, I find fulfillment in fostering trust, harnessing the power of technology, and staying at the forefront of market dynamics. This led me to establish a financial planning and investment management advisory that embodies my vision—a vision that seems absent in the industry.

Our approach is intentional, characterized by simplicity, transparency, and a commitment to fee-only services.

My Why.
Your Why.

My Why
Mahogany offices, meetings, and lectures aren’t for me. I’d rather build trust, leverage technology, design simple financial plans, and stay on top of the markets, so I built the advisory that I wanted – the advisory that the industry seems to be missing – digital, clean-and-simple, fee-only, and designed for everyone regardless of net worth.

Your Why

As a professional yourself, you don’t like most of what you find when you take precious time out of your day looking for a financial advisor – time you could spend with family, friends, co-workers, or just relaxing – and you definitely don’t want to feel schmoozed or pressured with in-person meetings. You just want simple financial plans and wise investments.

You know you should be planning and investing better, but you want to spend that time working hard as a professional or relaxing away from work.

If you want to optimize the time you spend on financial planning and/or investing -- or with financial advisors for that matter! -- while still being updated monthly by your Advisor without having to ask, then Arena Investor is built for you, The One in the Arena!

You're the Hero.

We're the Guide.

This is Modern Planning and Investing
Built for The One in the Arena

A Letter from the Founder


I've committed myself to a life of service and finding ways to markedly help people.

I know what it means to serve. With more than 23 years of service in the United States Marine Corps, starting as a Parris Island recruit and retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel, I am now looking beyond my time in uniform for new ways to serve. I have an amazing wife and an amazing son who are beautiful, smart, and supportive.

Because of them I think about legacy and impact.

Immediately after college my wife and I got married. I was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps and sent off to aviation training in Pensacola, FL ("The Cradle of Naval Aviation"). We served on active duty for nearly ten years, and I flew in the EA-6B as an electromagnetic spectrum expert all over the world - and in numerous combat zones. Our son was born while I was overhead Sicily inbound to north Africa, and we think that's pretty darn cool.

As a graduate of the Johns Hopkins University’s Master of Science in Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) program and Wittenberg University’s Bachelor of Arts in Business Management program, I am uniquely positioned to understand and capitalize on both complex technical opportunities and the key fundamentals of businesses, the market, risk, and the economy at large. In an increasingly tech-driven world, the combination of identifying future trends and understanding business fundamentals helps separate me from the pack -- serving me well when analyzing finances, investments, and investor goals.

I wanted to share that investing ability with others, so I built the investment advisory that I couldn’t find elsewhere…

Built on Trust


                        and Technology.

Most advisors promise you “relationships” but in fact it feels like pressure tactics and/or schmoozing. And you’re paying for their fancy office and time-consuming meetings. My philosophy is…

You Don’t Need a Mahogany Office and a Lecture;

                     You Need Wise Advice and a Coffee.

Naturally, there are times when you may want to chat, but I’m just as happy to send you a video that answers your questions too. A lot of people prefer this, and technology enables it. Let’s leverage technology together to keep you well informed about your financial well-being.

I also know how to be a teammate. Before the Marine Corps, I went to Hawken Upper School, a college prep school on the east side of Cleveland, Ohio, did well in school and played football, wrestling, and baseball with great coaches and great teammates – we are still friends to this day. This is where teammates gave me the nickname "OB." I then played four years of varsity NCAA baseball, and enlisted in the Marine Corps. The nickname "OB" followed me to college. Somehow, when it came time to be assigned a callsign in my USMC squadron I got... "OB". It seems to be a naturally occurring event.

Being a good teammate has been the honor of my life.

After active duty I moved home to Ohio and started my first successful business -- real estate investing. Since I missed flying, I returned to it in 2017 as an airline pilot, and it was great. It's a fun job, which also allows me to have a lot of time off for investing and family. I now fly part-time and am a full-time CEO of Arena Investor, a Registered Investment Advisor. Flying and advising have really complimented each other well -- after a lot of deep market analysis, it's great to go watch a sunrise or sunset from a corner office in the sky. It creates great balance in my life.
I know I'll fly less and less as my advisory grows, and that's ok -- it's my honor to once again serve and help people.

Along the aforementioned journey I have been investing in the market and honing the skill -- for more than 25 years now. I am a perpetual student in all regards, whether it’s finances, the stock market, real estate, business fundamentals, identifying great leadership, or understanding blockchain/crypto, the space economy, AI/ML and other emerging technologies. I love both fundamentals and exploring what's possible.
The future is bright, and I'm optimistic.

I’ve been in countless arenas, countless times – when people trusted me to do my job at a high level. Again, I put myself back in the arena to serve others; this time as the founder of Arena Investor.

You’re in the arena too. And I know how much time and energy that takes. I also know that you know you should be treating your money better, but you can’t quite make it fit your week as well as you'd like. So I designed an advisory specifically for you.

Modern Planning and Investing Built for The One in the Arena.


Matthew "OB" Oberdorfer

Arena Investor Offers
Income Research Assistance

Are you being compensated properly? Let us check on that for you.

A boost in compensation can make a major impact on your financial goals.

We Also Offer
Philanthropy Assistance

Enjoy our well-curated list of charitable organizations to donate to. Have a favorite organization already? Great! Let's get those donations coordinated for you.

Charitable donations can reduce your tax obligations too.
Win-win scenarios are the best!

Did You Know That Your Business Can Have Investment Portfolios?

Put business money to work too.
Tailored to your business’s unique needs.

Arena Investor Offers Something For Everyone


Simple Financial Plans.
Built for Your Situation.
So You Can Reach Your Goals.


Optimized Portfolios.
Professionally Built.
Professionally Managed.


Personal Portfolio Reviews.
Adjustment Recommendations.
From a Registered Investment Advisor.

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The Investor Mindset newsletter is a weekly digital publication that creatively presents insights into the mind of an investor.

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Always Learning
Thinks Independently
Emotionally Poised
Sees Trends
Financially Ready

Arena Investor Helps
The One in the Arena



Financial Planning Education

Investing Education

Current Events

Insights & Ideas

News In The Arena


Monthly Topics include

Understanding: Insurance Rate, Debt Rate, Savings Rate, Burn Rate, Qualified Term, Tax Rate, Liquid Term, Real Estate Term, Equity Rate, Total Term

• DRIP and Grow Rich!
• What Is Investment Management?
• What Is Your Financial SWOT?
and more!  

Subscribe to The Investor Mindset newsletter (above)



One-on-One Financial Planning

Enjoy an Initial Meeting to get to know each other, set your goals, and evaluate your debt and credit

Enjoy a Second Meeting to refine the gameplan, review insurance, and review your investing

Get easy-to-understand Monthly Reports specific to you and the Financial Plan we built recorded and delivered to your inbox for your convenience

Schedule live or recorded Quarterly Meetings to stay on track, review your Financial Health, Financial Plan, and make adjustments as needed

Enjoy Income Research Assistance -- Let us confirm you're being properly compensated

Enjoy Philanthropy Assistance -- our curated list of organizations you can donate to if desired

Financial Health Monitoring & Alerts
in the Elements app

Get professional monitoring of your Financial Health

Receive alerts when certain thresholds are met

Understand your Financial Health and actually enjoy the journey!



Investment Management
for Individual and SMBs

Fee-Only, never any commissions or conflicts

At just 0.75% AUM, Arena Investor offers great value!

No hidden [fill-in-the-blank] fees -- we absorb them all!

Enjoyable user experiences with elegant industry-leading apps

A modern Advisory designed to serve today's professionals

Professionally managed portfolios
Stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds, Bonds,
Crypto, High Yield Cash Accounts

Also included
Financial Health Monitoring & Alerts in the Elements app

Portfolio Checkups for DIY Investors

For All 401ks

For Personal Brokerage Accounts

Have your Investor Profile analyzed (your goals, time horizon, risk tolerance, et al)

Have your actual portfolio analyzed and compared to your Investor Profile to ensure alignment

Get specific stock, ETF, mutual fund, crypto, etc recommendations to realign your portfolio

Invest with the peace of mind that you have a Registered Investment Advisor as a teammate when desired